Monday, July 19, 2010

So What Tea Party Kicked Out Williams', Still a Party of Idiots

So the Tea Party laid down some disciplinary actionsMark Williams was finally kicked out of the National Tea Party Federation Saturday for a racist blog post. He shrugged it off, calling it "grandstanding" from a "minor player on the fringe."

A California radio host and leader of the Tea Party Express, Williams had labeled President Obama an "Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug." But when he posted a satirical letter supposedly from "the Colored People" to President Lincoln praising slavery, that apparently crossed the line. The federation, an umbrella organization that claims to represent 85 Tea Party groups, kicked out Williams' group when it wouldn't fire him.

"We have expelled Tea Party Express and Mark Williams from the National Tea Party Federation because of the letter that he wrote," federation spokesman David Webb said on CBS's "Face the Nation." He called the letter - written after the NAACP called on Tea Party leaders to oust racists from their ranks - "clearly offensive."

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