Friday, March 4, 2011

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Tells HERstory Instead of History

Minnesota Republican congresswoman, Michele Bachmann made a public address and it appears she was giving HERstory instead of HISTORY. The congresswoman made some recent remarks about diversity in America, including claims that America's Founding Fathers, "worked tirelessly until slavery was no more" and skin color "Didn't matter" in the early days of democracy. She continues on as if she is telling her children a bedtime story. "It didn't matter whether they descended from known royalty or are of a higher class or a lower class. It made no difference. Once you got here, we were all the same. Isn't that remarkable? It is absolutely remarkable." The funniest thing about listening to certain 'leaders' of certain political parities, are the people who follow these so-called leaders. Be careful who you follow people.

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